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Jan 7, 2012

Plugin Waktu Solat Dunia

Plugin waktu solat Dunia untuk dipasang di blog wordpress dan blogspot telah dilepaskan untuk kegunaan semua Blogger Muslim 1Dunia. Sila ke blog Denaihati untuk mendapat detail cara memasang plugin tersebut di blog anda.

Lihat hasilnya di sidebar kanan atas blog ini.

Jangan lupa maklumkan kepada semua Blogger 1Dunia.

Aug 3, 2010

Pasang button RE TWEET untuk blogspot

Aku memang suka dengan button RE TWEET ni. Ada macam-macam cara nak pasang button RE TWEET tapi ini versi aku untuk blogspot.

1. login ke akaun blog anda klik> Layout / Design >Edit html >klik kotak expand widget tamplates

2. cari code ini <div class='post-header-line-1'/> atau <data:post.body/>
kemudian letak code retweet pilihan anda di antara code diatas. Nak mundah klik Ctrl + F dan masukan code di atas untuk pergi terus kelokasi seperti di bawah ni.

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div style='float:left;'>
Re Tweet Code
<div class='post-body'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

3. Untuk ganti lokasi sila ganti left atau right.

4. Code untuk Re Tweet yang perlu dimasukkan : <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> dan untuk dapatkan button size yang lain boleh terus ke Re Tweet Button.

Kalau dah berjaya jangan lupa daftar blog anda di Senarai blog ada Re Tweet button.

Feb 21, 2010 for sale again – one of the world's most desired web addresses – is once more up for sale, with owners Escom LLC in foreclosure.

The address has managed to create huge amounts of controversy over the years, and was bought last time out for a whopping $14 million (£9.1m).

It was Gary Kremen, best known as the founder of, that got that particular fee, but only after years of wrangles involving fraudster Stephen Cohen – who made millions during the dotcom boom.


Cohen had wrested control by persuading an employee of Network Solutions to change over ownership of the site with a fraudulent fax.

In November 2000, a court decided that Kremen was the legal owner and awarded him what amounted to $65 million, which prompted Cohen to flea the US before being returned and eventually jailed.
Escom LLC bought the name in 2006 – but despite having one of the most valuable online domains – the company is now bust and flogging its asset.

It's unlikely that it will retrieve the money that it paid for the domain, and you do have to wonder if the world is still typing into a url bar any more anyway.

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